"What Can I Do at Divine Liturgy?" board book


"What Can I Do at Divine Liturgy?" board book


“What Can I Do At Divine Liturgy?” is a sturdy board book that children ages 0+ will enjoy. It goes step by step through lighting candles, how to make the sign of the cross, venerating icons, listening to the gospel, and on. Each “thing you I can do at liturgy” is broken down in parts (like make the sign of the cross, light a candle and pray, put the candle in the sand, and make the sign of the cross again), with pictures of each. This book is great for teaching children about church behavior and the parts of the service, but the pictures also make it easy for pre-readers to understand on their own.

This book was created by Orthodox small business, Philotheia Art & Design, which is run by Kristina Tartara.

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